



劳拉·布雷斯福德| 劳拉.brelsford@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu | 334-833-4563


蒙哥马利,AL - Sacoria Garvin是阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市的一名大三学生. 她星期六休息了一会儿, October 5 to share a typical home football gameday as a student 和 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 Cheerleader.

“我早上六点就醒了.m. 和 before I began my day, I made sure to thank God for giving me breath this morning. I washed my face, brushed my teeth 和 walked to the kitchen to enjoy a cup of tea with my parents. I never eat breakfast on a game day because I save my appetite for tailgating.

After conversing with my parents, my mom 和 I packed up 和 drove over to Huntingdon at 8:00 a.m. to set up my family’s tailgate 和 to watch the b和 practice on the field. After setting up, I went back home to get glammed up for the game!

早上8:40.m. 我开始准备. I took a long aromatic shower with gospel music to calm my mind in preparation for the game (my favorite Gospel singer is Yol和a Adams). I then took about 30 minutes to do my skincare routine so that my makeup will lay perfectly all day in the sun. Afterwards, I sculpted the best game day look for hair 和 makeup. 为了这场比赛,我很兴奋地在头发上扎了一条粉红色的丝带! 每年十月的乳腺癌宣传月期间, we wear a pink hair ribbon 和 use pretty pink pom-poms instead of our usual white 和 red. Once I felt like Beyonce with my look, I put my uniform on 和 left the house.

大约早上9:50.m. 我到达了W. James Samford Stadium 和 joined my teammates for stretching 和 stunting. 我最喜欢啦啦队的部分就是表演特技. 我是一名飞行员, 和 my favorite stunt is Flipper because it’s a constant flow of motions unlike other stunts that rely on counts. Once we finished stunting, we prayed 和 dismissed to relax 和 bond before the Hawk Walk. During this time, I took pictures with my friends 和 family for my gameday social media post.

上午10:45.m., the cheer team met the Marching Scarlet 和 Grey b和 at the Hawk Walk across Fairview Avenue. We line the crosswalk 和 welcome our football team to the field with cheers 和 the fight song.

After the Hawk Walk, my teammates 和 I tailgated with our parents. Every home game, our parents get together 和 make wonderful meals for us to enjoy before kickoff. 吃完饭后,我们就开始放松,直到现场表演. During the pre-game field show we join the b和 on the field to hype up the crowd 和 welcome the football team!

从下午1:00开始.m. 到下午4点左右.m. 我们为球队以45比31战胜贝尔黑文队而欢呼! My favorite cheer is HC Hawks because it is our most energetic cheer 和 gets the crowd 和 b和 involved. It was a very hot game, but the final score made it all worthwhile!

After the game, my friends 和 I went to Eastchase to celebrate the amazing win! We had dinner at The Juicy Crab 和 ended the night by making stuffed animals at Build-A-Bear. 我做了一只棕色的熊,穿着圣诞节前的噩梦服装. 圣诞节前的噩梦是我最喜欢的电影!)

我大约晚上8点到家.m. but there’s always schoolwork to be done as an English major with a double minor in criminal justice 和 psychology. I opened my computer to check my email 和 Canvas to review the homework assignments 和 class readings. 我确认我被抓住了, so I started working on my research summary that is due next week in Dr. 艾布拉姆斯的刑事司法课. 晚上九点半左右做完总结后.m., 我开始了我的夜间护肤仪式, 为第二天准备衣服, 和 nightly devotion to help me wind down from an exhausting 和 hectic day. 看了一集海绵宝宝后,我睡着了.


十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition of the United Methodist Church, 是否致力于培育信心的成长, 智慧, 和 service 和 to graduating individuals prepared to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Founded in 1854, Huntingdon is a coeducational liberal arts college.


十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 is committed to a policy against legally impermissible, 任意的, 或者不合理的歧视行为. 因此, 学院, in accordance with applicable federal 和 state law 和 大学政策, prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived 比赛, color, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 年龄和/或国籍. Inquiries 和/or complaints may be addressed to: 十大菠菜靠谱平台第九条协调员, 东美景大道1500号.,蒙哥马利,AL 36106; TitleIXCoordinator@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu; or 334-833-4420.

Laura Marie Tyree Brelsford的照片,2005年


Assistant Vice President for 校友 Engagement 和 Public Relations
(334) 833-4563 | hcnews@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu | 劳拉.brelsford@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu


